Wireframe Intersection

Boolean Intersection Command

Wireframe Intersection

To access this dialog:

    • Activate the Surfaces ribbon and select Operations | Boolean | Intersection

The Intersection command takes two wireframe objects (or wireframe triangle selections, or a combination) and creates a new wireframe object representing their overlapping (common) volume.

The order in which inputs are chosen is not important for this command.

Note: This command supports flexible wireframe selection.

Results Summary

Original Wireframe Objects


Object 1

Object 2



Field Details:

  • Wireframe 1/2: for Wireframe 1 and Wireframe 2, either select a loaded wireframe object, or choose the Selected triangles option and select wireframe data interactively in a 3D window, storing the selection for each input using the appropriate Store current selection button. A combination of object and triangle selection is permitted.

  • Output: you can output data either within the Current object, an existing wireframe object (pick it from the list) or a new object (type a new name).

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Boolean operations
Selecting Wireframe Data